tempura coated deep fried sushi represents the opposite of everything that appeals to me about sushi in the first place. this thematic, possibly philosophical or spiritual, hypocrisy, however, is outweighed by fried sushi's deliciousness.
so far he is the only twitterer i find the least bit interesting
I buy a bottle of Green Tea with ginseng nearly every day but I don't remember why. I don't like tea and can barely taste the ginseng. 9:44 AM Mar 5th from web
i just got a warning on teh INTJ forum for using chat speak.
as if that werent enuff, that mod is an INFP.
ok seresly, wtf?
1. an INFP on our INTJ site in the first place?
2. an INFP is a mod?
thats almost as ridiculus as having someone who is simultaneously the worst teacher ever and one of the most unethical persons you've ever dealt with teaching an ethics class.