Tuesday, September 30, 2008

i hope she never leaves the spotlight

she's a comedy goldmine

proof u dont need $9000 mill

to make one of the gratest movies evar

Monday, September 29, 2008

peter schiff and common sense...for the win

recession, mortgage crisis, and more predicted back on 8/26/06.

the other guy, art laffer, who turned out to be terribly wrong, is someone you might read about when studying upper division macroeconomics, particularly supply-side and/or keynesian economics. laffer's ideas about interest rate reductions as stimulus for increased tax revenue play a big role in trickle-down economics.

dude's gotta feel like a failed economist right about now.


schiff = win
laffer = epic fail



Sunday, September 28, 2008

McCain flakes on Letterman

Dave returns the favor by serving up teh bitchslaps

sarah palin tina fey katie couric SNL interview

I'm not political but I find this whole soccer-mom-who-wants-to-run-the-country thing kinda funny.

To quote Matt Damon, "It's like a really bad Disney Movie....The hockey mom...and she's facing down Vladimir Putin using the folksy stuff she learned at the hockey rink."



dunno y this cracking me up. but it is.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

a photo of himself every day for 6 years

January 11, 2000 - July 31, 2006.
2356 Days.
A work in progress.

original music by Carly Comando.


cool. just started somethin like this too. wont b public tho. or nearly as good. lol.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

cheeseburger w/ chocolate covered bacon

The general blueprint for the Brooklynite, our trial creation, is simple in that it is based around high quality beef, cheese, lettuce and buns. Of course, to really raise this dish to the level of true Epicness, we added a small, but significant twist: the burger would be topped with chocolate-covered crispy bacon. Many will initially scoff at the idea of adulterating strips of salty bacon with a sweet and creamy coat of milk chocolate (indeed, we had our initial doubts), but we believe that after reading our notes and seeing these mouth-watering culinary treasures, you will be convinced to garnish your next burger similarly.

bacon cheeseburger w/ glazed donuts for buns - i get.

bacon cheeseburger with chocolate covered bacon? thats just insane.


wow lol

oh snap!

not funny. damn.

n y that guy looks calm?

satisfaction device

thats what its called. rly.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Sunday, September 21, 2008

has tuf 8's biggest douche already been eliminated?

in the 1st episode? b4 even making it to the house?

…to be honest, dude, I belong with Napoleon dawg. Alexander, dude, Hitler. That’s where I belong. I be conquering mother**kers, dude, period. Pillaging, sh*t like that….that’s where I belong, bro. Criminal dawg, straight up criminal.
---jose aguilar, of tuf 8

as if that werent douchey enough...

the guy quit after the first round of his fight in the prelims. he eliminated himself after all that douche talk.


to his credit, he had no chance. in effect he saved himself from getting even more of an assbeating. also, it looks like he has technical competence on the ground. but then again, he wasnt able to use in in a way useful for a fight. so his one redeeming quality cancels itself out. kinda like how he cancelled himself out the show.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

need to cut the caffeine

random muscle twitching around the clock is enough warning for me...

(mostly left inner quadricep and the eyelids)

Friday, September 19, 2008

Dis blog

ive got a workout log.

i've got a place for the school/career stuff.

each needs its own space, uncluttered.

this blog is for everything else.