Sunday, September 21, 2008

has tuf 8's biggest douche already been eliminated?

in the 1st episode? b4 even making it to the house?

…to be honest, dude, I belong with Napoleon dawg. Alexander, dude, Hitler. That’s where I belong. I be conquering mother**kers, dude, period. Pillaging, sh*t like that….that’s where I belong, bro. Criminal dawg, straight up criminal.
---jose aguilar, of tuf 8

as if that werent douchey enough...

the guy quit after the first round of his fight in the prelims. he eliminated himself after all that douche talk.


to his credit, he had no chance. in effect he saved himself from getting even more of an assbeating. also, it looks like he has technical competence on the ground. but then again, he wasnt able to use in in a way useful for a fight. so his one redeeming quality cancels itself out. kinda like how he cancelled himself out the show.

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